Saturday, January 3

keepin' it crunchy.

There was a time, not too long ago (let's call it "Thursday"), when I considered myself a reasonably intelligent human being.

But, I must ask you all to please, consider the following:

A few months ago, I don't recall when, I stopped to get some gas, filled 'er up, and drove off. I think I went to work. So I get to work, or maybe it was guitar lessons. But that's as may be. So I get {there}, and to my horror, discover I have no gas cap. Whoops. So, feeling a bit stupid, I go and buy myself a replacement.

Not too long after that, I was dropping some film off for work, and stopped to get some gas, and promptly drove off without my gas cap AGAIN. Fortunately, I noticed it when I got to the photo store, about one block from the gas station. So I drive back down to the petrol fillery, to find it,and, of course, it's sitting IN THE MIDDLE OF MANCHESTER. So, traffic clears, and I run out to grab it. Lovely.

Now, on Thanksgiving, I stopped at the same gas station on the way down to my mom's to fill up. The other one gets back in the car after buying us some drinks, and I'm telling him about the above story. As we turn onto Manchester, I look out my rear window, and look! My gas cap is SITTING ON MY TRUNK. So I manage to make it off the road without losing it, and we stick it back in.

Yesterday. I stop to fill up, and head off to do some bowling. I forgot my damn gas cap-- AGAIN! So I call home, and ask my wonderful brother to drive down to the gas station to see if he can find it. No go. So I have to go buy yet another gas cap.

Good lord. What's my deal?

Anyways. I had a most enjoyable New Years, which is cool beans. No huge crowds, drunk drivers, damage to my car, and, best of all, pleasant company.

Oh yeah, I officially like that Pirates of the Caribbean, if only for the fact that an actual line of dialogue is "Huzzah!" I mean, the rest of the movie is a hoot and a half, but that one line made it even better.

I have to take the tree down today, so maybe I'll get to that.

stupidly yours...

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