Tuesday, January 13

Oh, it's a Goldstar...

Hmm. Yes. Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

But I'm not going to go and fill out all those surveys. It takes too long. And there are other reasons as well, but it would take a scientist to explain and frankly, I'm just too mad.

You know what's depressing? Being privy to the slow degradation of one of your favorite things. Case in point: the total "what the hell happened" syndrome of KSHE-95. Formerly my favorite radio station. I remember back in high school thinking "I can't go away to college! There's no KSHE anywhere else." It was different, they played real music, they were beyond the commercialized, structured, crap stations around here.

And then, as best I can tell, they got bought out. And slowly but surely, the crap started taking over. For every decent song, there seemed to be two junk songs to take its place. And too much Nickleback for my tastes. The same company that owns KSHE bought out its only competition and turned it into talk radio. So when KSHE said that no one played more AC/DC, well they were right, only because NO ONE ELSE played any.

Now it seems that I hear more of this new "rock" stuff than anything else. I mean come on, who's going to be talking about Cold in 15 years? And I think there are about 10 classic bands that the station plays, and maybe 6 songs by each they rotate. Led Zeppelin is the only band that gets any respect, and that's because they have a special segment everyday. And I don't even like them all that much.

And then there's the God-awfulness of the morning show, which I admit I used to enjoy. Now it's just "how much sex can we talk about without violating the FCC regulations?"

The first thing I heard when I turned took out my CD yesterday?

"I wonder if pig semen smells like human semen?"

Goodbye KSHE.

There are few things as amusing as seeing the director of the library out dancing. And I realize that only makes sense to me, but trust me, it was quite funny. And then my manager gets out on the floor and proceeds to bust out some damn good moves to 'Play That Funky Music.' Yeah, my boss is a far better dancer than I. Whipping out the cell phone was a good move.

Now if he'd only pulled out a Sharpie and signed his shoe or something...

I think you should all do yourselves a favor and go buy something by Pearl Jam. Maybe one of their many live CDs (Tokyo is lovely) or the new B-Sides collection 'Lost Dogs.'

Actually, that should be more of an imperative statement, instead of a request.

In the words of Kelly Sullivan: "doit"

Cheery bye,

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