Friday, January 30

Blue on the outside and all creamy on the interior...yeah!

So you know what's cool?

Jazz, man.

Jazz is weird.

And cool. So is a jazz band.

And what's cooler than a jazz band?

How about three jazz bands.

And, for added coolness, throw in a gospel choir competition.

That's the kick-off for the Black History Month festivities at work tonight, and ooooohhhhhh was it cool. Jazzy, gospely, and I got to take pictures of it all.

Suh-weet. I hope to God that my flash worked out alright.

Now, you'd think, that after almost 5 years of this picture taking stuff, that I'd be able to use my flash and trust that I got it right, especially after taking a class specifically on flash techniques. And yet, I still would rather keep that thing as far away from me as possible.

Which is a reason I kinda like digital: instant preview to see if I'm making a goober. $900...almost there. Let's get those taxes done!

Whoa...did I just say that? No, I guess not. I typed it. So there. Got myself on a technicality.

Speaking of pictures and jazz, mum got the pictures from the wedding, so I'm anxious to see the stuff I ordered. Which leads me to thinking...I've had two friends get married, and three engaged. More to follow, I'm sure. So I wonder when I'll get around to it. I'm not of the mindset that "I must get married NOW," or anything, I just wonder when I'll be a bachelor no more. I suspect I have to find the right person first. Have I? Well....the jury's still out on that. We'll see. I somewhat suspect not, but, you never know (I sure don't, so if it turns out you do, let me know). Which leads to another thought: at my age (22, I think), does one date with the intent of finding someone to marry a few years down the line, or does one just date for the sake of it all?

Hmm. Stuff to ponder. I could go into more detail, but I'm tired and I want to go to bed soon.

I do know this: I want U2 at my wedding. Or a jazz band. Whatever works out, although, after tonight, a jazz band would be extremely bad ass.

You know what was sad? I got home from shooting tonight around 9:30 or so, and by maybe 10:15 or so, I was ready for bed. And I was talking to someone tonight about my back being sore.

Jeezo, I'm getting old....

Ah, well. I'm sure I'm getting wiser along the way.

Now, what was I talking about?

Bed. Right. I'm going.

cheery bye,

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