Thursday, January 15

In the redzone.


I actually managed to score two goals last night at soccer! Huzzah! But, my falling down/board running into count won 3-2. Figures.

Okay, so we played the worst team in the league, and my goals were #s 5 and 9 in a 9-2 blowout. But still, it's rare when I score ONE goal, so two in one game is quite exciting, no matter what. I had a lot of energy last night, which is quite odd (the rest of the team decided I must have been on speed or something). I think it was the Mountatin Dew I had before we played. Nectar of the gods, I tell you. Or maybe it was playing a team not as good as us that made my play seem better. Or I'm slowly getting good at all this.

Yeah, the drugs seem more likely than that.

I have a ticket to see Cowboy Mouth at Mississippi Nights on February 5! Well, I ordered it, but I will have it soon. So this is good. I'm actually excited about seeing them again, now that they're mixing things up a bit, or at least putting some other songs in with the main set. So it's good news. The band can get back to kicking ass and taking names instead of promoting a new album.

So when you all go out to buy your Pearl Jam live CDs (have you done that yet?), you can go buy a Mouth ticket as well. And if you're feelin really adventurous, you can buy a Mouth ticket for the next night in Columbia at some place called Mojo's. It'll be good. You should all go.

Yeah, I know I'm just rambling. But I feel obligated to post for some reason. So everyone else has to suffer, unless you never read my posts anyway. So then I recommend you start.

With the next post, of course, since this one sucks.

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