Friday, January 16

Oh no, there goes Tokyo..

There's a special breed of person out there in this universe of ours.

If you don't mind, I'd like to take a few moments to talk about them.

I'm referring, of course, to Godzilla fans.

It's not an easy thing to live up to, I must admit. I tell someone that, and it's usually followed by a weird look or some stupid comment. Even my own family razzes me about it. I guess I can see where everyone is coming from. After movies like the Lord of the Rings trilogy, with their seemless blending of live action and CGI, watching a movie with model buildings and a guy in a suit can look pretty, well, silly.

And I guess, to a certain extent, it is. But, damn it, there's more to it than that. Now, I love LotR, and CGI can do some amazing stuff, but seeing a Godzilla flick, and knowing that it's all hand-done, well, there's something special about it. I can't quite describe it (and I suspect part of it is due to the fact that I need sleep something terrible). It's like there's more feeling to it or something.

And despite all the (admittedly) silliness over the years, Godzilla still stands for something. 50 years ago, the original Gojira was released in Japan, which was still recovering from the effects of the U.S. atomic bombings, and further off-shore nuclear testing. Yeah, the movie was essentially a monster movie, but it stood for something: the monster was awaken by nuclear testing, and was in itself, a living nuclear weapon. In an age of mostly soulless characters in movies, it's nice to be able to watch something and know it's deeper than it seems.

Okay, so I may have got off-topic a bit. Sorry. Honestly, though, even some of the lesser films are still fun, and as I said before, there's a lot of care that goes into designing the miniatures and the suits. So do yourselves a favor and check out a Godzilla flick in honor of the Big G's fiftieth birthday. If you want, I may even let you borrow my copy of the original.

I got my ticket for Cowboy Mouth today. Huzzah!!! And I'll be ordering another one tomorrow!!! Double huzzah!!! And it's a three day weekend!!! Triple huzzah!!!

And now, I'm gonna go to bed. I'm damned tired.

A heartfelt thanks from the entire MaxRes staff to our esteemed webmaster for getting the site up and running again. It looks damn good.

Cheery bye,

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