Saturday, January 24

So I'm punchin' him and punchin' him...and I says "what do you mean I didn't give you the right change?"

So apparently, we'll probably all die tonight or something.

It's supposed to ice/sleet/hail/snow/molt and whatever, so I'm sure local media is predicting horrible catastrophes for us all. And of course, I need to go to the store.


I actually bowled three good games last night. It was fun. My bowling alias for the night was 'JTG,' so I had to bowl a mighty series for a mighty man. I think he would have been proud. And today I got to take pictures of new Marine recruits going through training for boot camp. It reminded me a lot of gym from DeSmet. Cherry pickers and push-ups!! I don't miss them.

One nice thing I gleemed from it all was that the recruits do learn a lot about respect and such-not. Which is something that a lot of people don't really have much of anymore.

Such is life.

Cheery bye,

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