Tuesday, January 6

Whip it, into shape.

I used to enjoy winter. Yeah, it can get pretty cold around here, but I always thought I could handle it.


That was a.) before I started working full time, and b.) before this morning.

I realize that it's been colder than this before, but man was it cold today. I mean, even the Green Hornet had trouble getting started. The forecast in the paper used the word 'frigid' to describe the A.M. temperatures, and for once, I agree. I even wore a hat today. I stuck my head in the freezer to warm up before I left, and I've been making ice cubes outside.

Basically, I'm saying it was cold this morning. It's a bold statement, but I'm gonna stick by it.

You know what I find interesting? The whole 'War on Terror' is, well, silly.


I have no problem with the government wanting to protect us (even if they seem to be, well, a tad paranoid right now). Problem is, they're going after somethin that doesn't exist.

'Terror' is an abstract noun. you can't hold terror, nor can you shoot it with a gun, missle, etc. It's like saying you want to go bottle love or something. You can't do it. A war on terrorism or terrorists, however, makes much more sense, at least gramatically. If someone can bring be a bag of terror, I'll retract the above statement. Until then, I hold by my campaign to get this nonsense renamed.

I'm such a nerd, I know.

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