Wednesday, January 28

Black or white, we're all gonna meet at the Foot of Canal Street.

First off, condolences to Paul Sanchez and Fred LeBlanc of Cowboy Mouth for the recent losses of their brother and mother, respectively. I imagine it's hard, being on the road, and getting a call like that. And then having to play a show the day after you bury someone. I couldn't imagine ever doing something like that. The guys (and gal) in that band have done a lot for me (and for you, I'm sure), so it's hard, because you wanna do something for them, but the best you can manage is a meager little few words on a forum.

Sigh. Maybe I'll figure it out someday.

interjection from SMOORE

ok, i realize this is unconventional for me to edit-up dave's posts, but i wanted to add something without adding my own post and pushing this one down.

the mouth has indeed done a lot for all their fans and have given us some passionate and wonderful rock and roll. we thank them for it all, and i, too, would like to send out my deepest sympathies to the leblancs and the sanchez's on their losses.

this weblog in general is dedicated, as the mouth would have it, to all the rock 'n roll jesuses in our lives...all those who can grab all the little broken-up, busted pieces of people's frustration and give it back to them bigger than life... that includes you, and it includes our family, and it includes anyone from our respective pasts who have in some way or another changed our lives for the better. i, personally, could make quite a list. thank you, everyone, much love to you all.

this ends smoore's section, back to your regularly scheduled daveness


I'd like to point out that I'm probably the only one that found the "Geordi" bit of the Other One's last post to be damn hilarious. I think it's our new running gag. I'd also like to point out that my hand don't need no more stamping!!!

Heh. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

So, it's 12:15, and I should be in bed, but I'm not, because we played soccer at 10:30 tonight...last night...whatever. And we lost, but played pretty well. Probably should have had another 3 or 4 goals. But, in my stint as goalie (maybe 12 minutes), I learned a valuable lesson: I can't throw to save my life. Ohhhhhhh boy was it embarassing. But, I played pretty well, and surprised myself by stopping a shot and actually holding on to the ball, to which I said out loud "Hey! I actually caught it!" Apparently, even the OTHER team got a kick out of that.

But if you realized how rare that is for me, you'd understand.

In other news, my carpet in the basement does not smell good. Febreeze, Lysol, and fancy-carpet cleaners are doing me no good. It's going to be unpleasant for awhile.

Stupid basement room. No, wait, I like it.

Stupid no basement bathroom. Yeah, that works.

Weather update: cold.

Car update: I now own a gray car. If anyone manages to find my old green one, I'd appreciate any information on it's whereabouts.

"Dick" Cheney update: has he actually done anything?

U2 update: looks like a September release now.

that's it.

cheery bye,

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