Tuesday, February 3

Swiss nut toasted almond breath.

So an interesting thing happend this evening.

I had to vote.

And I had no idea who I was going to vote for.

I knew that George 'W' Bush, III, Jr. was out, so that left me to choose between the 87 potential Democratic candidates, who, by and large, seem about the same.

So, I did some research at work today, to see if I could settle on someone.

And I did, but I don't think I'm going to tell you.

I actually took one of those questionaires to see who my ideal choice was, and it turned out to be Kucinich. I didn't vote for him.

Sorry, dude.

But, vote I did. I feel obligated to vote. I don't like the idea of not voting. Which forces me to keep up with things, which, is a good payoff, I think. I can be in the know.

I also went to get some new glasses. I had to get a quick eye check, so I had to take my contacts out. So I'm walking around pretty much blind, and ( I do this all the time), I squint, thinking it's going to make a difference. It doesn't, so I don't recommend it. But, I got new glasses. And I even got to use my insurance for the first time since I started working full-time. How exciting!

I snowed last night. Again. And I had to shovel the driveway. Again. And there's supposed to be snow again tomorrow and Thursday. Lovely. I just adore driving to concerts in the snow. Thankfully, I don't have far to go, and the weather for Friday looks good.

I think that's about it.

Cheery bye,

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