Wednesday, February 11

This blog is my blog, kids gave this blog to me.


So last night marked the closing of Dave doing his taxes all by himself.

And, I get money back, which is good. According to my figures, I don't get as much back as I originally hoped, which is not so good. So I get to try again and see if I goofed somewhere. I should certainly hope so. I'm not really depending on that return or anything, but if the potential to get more back is there, I should sure like to make the most of it.

Yeah, the IRS is supposed to let me know if I goofed and send me the extra cash, but I'd rather get it done myself. And who's to say they won't feel like being nice that day? What if my return comes up at the end of the day, and the poor IRS worker who's been checking returns all day just doesn't feel like it?

Such is my dilemma.

I also sold my soul yesterday and bought a digital camera (a high-faulltin' one, mind you). It's big, heavy, but pretty cool. So we'll see how it does in the field. Probably won't get any assignments this week. Such is life

I don't think I have anything else to say. There's no Cowboy Mouth news to relate, save for the news of a new album for this summer. So that's good. Only 3 months (or so) until Rib Fest.

I need something to tide me over.

cheery bye,

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