Monday, February 16

It helps if you've got money to burn.

Alright, a weekend update.

I broke the D string on my guitar of choice (that would be the Epiphone, for those keeping track at home). Do you know how annoying that is? It's one hting to break the high E, since it's not terribly vital most of the time, unless y ou're playing 'Man on the Run.' But D is like...right there with most chords, power chords, etc. It's kinda hard to get around. And I haven't had a chance to get a new one yet.


On the bright side (yeah! the bright side!), I was able to learn 'Invincible,' and I can almost sing with it. But, as the Other One mentioned, it really needs the bass, drums, Paul Sanchez, etc.

You know, minor stuff like that.

Speaking of Paul: I got an e-mail from him today! How cool! It didn't say much more than 'glad you dug the shows,' but still. Whee!!! Great guy...

I spent a few quality hours in the room of dark today, printing some stuff to hang around the house, and a picture for each member of the Mouth. I think they might like to get something at the end of a show for a change.

Now here's something: I parked in the garage at school today, in a space clearly labeled 'visitor.' I get out to leave, and find TWO freakin' tickets on my window. One for not having a permit, and another for parking in a vistor space.

The hell?!?

I WAS a visitor you nimrods! I saw no signs saying 'visitors please sign in,' or anything like that.

Jeezo. Goofballs.

So yesterday I went to the dog parade and field tested the new camera. It performed admirably, and returned some nice shots. Interestingly, I learned that Maggie is a nickname for bassett hounds. As far as I know, none of them were doing the two-step.

Saturday was Arbor Day. Wait, no, sorry. It was Valentine's Day. Things went as well as could be expected, I guess. I dunno. When everything is settled and figured out, I'm sure I'll let you know. Because so many of you who read this know what I'm talking about.

I've said it once, and I'll say it again: three day weekends rock.

cheery bye,

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