Friday, February 13

And another thing...

I think it bears mentioning that today is Friday the 13th.

Not to imply anything, I just thought I'd mention it. It could explain my CD player. I'm also glad I don't have a black cat.

I don't consider myself superstitious or anything, but still, it's probably better not to tempt these sort of things. Because then I might get paranoid.

Look out behind you!

Ha! Fooled you!

A couple other things I forgot the first time:

1.) Ken and Barbie "broke up."
a.) Why on earth is the media making such a big deal about this? The Post ran the "story" on the
FRONT FREAKING PAGE today! People on the radio are talking like a couple of plastic dolls are
real people, and that Barbie has some kind of actual thought process.
b.) Does anyone really care one way or the other?
c.) Isn't it odd, though, that they picked two days before Valentine's Day to launch this thing?

2.) I got my new glasses last night. I quite like them, and I can see, which is probably the most
important thing. I haven't had a new pair since high school, or maybe even before, so it's sort
of excting. Unfortunately, I still have trouble not knowing who Nietchze is.

I got my first pair of glasses in second grade, and thought it was the end of the world. Now I think I look somewhat decent in them. So there you go. It only took me somewhere around....14 years or so to come around. At least I didn't rush my decision.

Cowboy Mouth has April blocked off from touring, so it seems that the recording thing is looking good. The LT videos are ready, and my t-shirt idea is good to go.

Which reminds me, I need to find a two-step pattern.

Cheery bye,

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