Wednesday, February 18

Keep on fishin'

So here's something interesting I learned today (and it's only 10 in the morning!).

Office equipment does NOT like it when you threaten to "take its happy ass out to the scrap yard."

But it sure felt good to say it. You would too, if you had to deal with the same copier we have. Consider this: the entire freaking system got new copiers except us. We make more copies than anyone in the system, to my knowledge, and yet we still have an old clunker.

To quote....someone (I'll say Shakespeare): Lord, what fools these mortals be!

Coolness update: I got an e-mail from Merch Man Will, and he liked the shirt idea I sent him. Excellent. He also said we should 'catch up,' which is very cool. So he remembers who I am. Lovely. I now have e-mails from 2/5 of the Mouth Crew.

News flash: having dinner with your mom can be an extremely cool thing.

Driving wisdom: if you think traffic is about to clear up, it probably is, so don't get off the highway.

Muppet thought: any music video can be enhanced with the Muppets. Especially when they have those flipping penguins at the end.

And another thing: If you see a good deal on gas, for God's sake, fill up! Odds are it'll have gone up by the time you get home.

cheery bye,

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