Sunday, February 29

It's only the end as you know it.

So I'm a single man again. I won't go into all the gory details, suffice to say it went a lot easier/smoother than I thought it would.

So there you go.


So I don't have as much to say as I thought, for some reason. Stuff happened this weekend, but nothing too exciting. Played trivia, and didn't do so hot. Went to mass today, which was a lot of fun: the priest at Sacred Heart, taking a cue from the gospel, went out into the people and tried to tempt them, a la Satan to Jesus in the reading today. It was pretty cool. Playing 'devil's advocate,' if you will.


Um....the weather was splendid this weekend, but I could only manage to get out for an hour or so to really enjoy it. And I couldn't find anything to take pictures of. Grr.

I guess you'll get that.

I did have people yell at me from their cars (I was on a bike). Some silly high school guys made some generic 'whooo' noise, some jack-ass in his truck yelled something at me (and I couldn't decipher it), and two girls drove by and yelled that 'Jesus loves you!' They ended up driving by me again as I meandered through Old Town, but just laughed at the 'oh look, there he is again' aspect of it.

I didn't know how to react to their origanal decree though. I didn't have much time, mind you, but still. If I'd had time, what would I have said?

I have no clue. I should have a response ready, in case it happens again.

Anyways, that's about all I've got. A new week is starting, and I feel the need for home improvement coming up. It may be time to paint the bathroom!

I leave you now to your moosey fate,

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