Thursday, February 26

Beef: it's what's for movie sign.

Looks like we've been slacking off this week on the posting. I meant to post last night, I swear, but I didn't remember until I was about 5 seconds from getting into bed.

You'll get that.


So you know what's fun?

Yeah, I don't either. But here's a quick little story: I got into work this morning, and proceeded to the door that leads inside to the offices and such. it has one of those 3 number punch code thingies, so I went ahead on and put it in. And.....I can't get the door open. Of course, they changed the code and I didn't get the e-mail, because my name was never added to the official HQ e-mail list. Grr. But I got in, and now I know the code.

The code is: 12345.

That's amazing! I have the same combination on my luggage.

So, I think I'm pretty much the permanent goalie at soccer. Which is fine with me. I can't do anything too phenomenaly stupid, and I think I'm getting halfway decent at it. We tied 3-3 last night, and I think it was one of our better games as a team. I made some good saves, let in a couple I should have stopped, which is about normal for me. I made one save, right at the corner of the net. the guy took a shot, and I just stuck my leg out, and knocked it away. Now, there was no guarantee that was going to work. I don't even remember thinking 'okay...leg out now!' I just did it. So it must have been a reflex. But I still could have missed. So, I guess it works out to having faith that what you do is going to work. Or something like that.

I also went to mass yesterday. I went at 8 before work, so I got to partake of an all school mass. It was kinda different, having some parts I'm used to cut out, and not having any singing. Well, not much. In case you'd forgot: when all of the first and second graders are singing, it's really cute. Also, I saw a couple teachers who are still there and were there when I started many many years ago. Now, they were fairly old then, and they don't look all that different now. Which is a scary thing. Are they beyond aging? Or did they just seem old to me back then because I wasn't so much? I dunno. I think they've stopped aging.

It should be a fun and...interesting weekend. Updates as they become available.

Cheery bye,

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