Sunday, February 29

It's only the end as you know it.

So I'm a single man again. I won't go into all the gory details, suffice to say it went a lot easier/smoother than I thought it would.

So there you go.


So I don't have as much to say as I thought, for some reason. Stuff happened this weekend, but nothing too exciting. Played trivia, and didn't do so hot. Went to mass today, which was a lot of fun: the priest at Sacred Heart, taking a cue from the gospel, went out into the people and tried to tempt them, a la Satan to Jesus in the reading today. It was pretty cool. Playing 'devil's advocate,' if you will.


Um....the weather was splendid this weekend, but I could only manage to get out for an hour or so to really enjoy it. And I couldn't find anything to take pictures of. Grr.

I guess you'll get that.

I did have people yell at me from their cars (I was on a bike). Some silly high school guys made some generic 'whooo' noise, some jack-ass in his truck yelled something at me (and I couldn't decipher it), and two girls drove by and yelled that 'Jesus loves you!' They ended up driving by me again as I meandered through Old Town, but just laughed at the 'oh look, there he is again' aspect of it.

I didn't know how to react to their origanal decree though. I didn't have much time, mind you, but still. If I'd had time, what would I have said?

I have no clue. I should have a response ready, in case it happens again.

Anyways, that's about all I've got. A new week is starting, and I feel the need for home improvement coming up. It may be time to paint the bathroom!

I leave you now to your moosey fate,

Friday, February 27

Cool No. 9

Because some people feel required to make freakishly long posts, I have to make another one just to make my two equal the length of his epics.

Honestly, what's your deal, man?

Anyways. I have a lot of time to think when I'm at work, and since yesterday was a bit slow, I had even more time to think.

So here's what I was thinking about: just who is my preferred bassist? I've already done this for guitar (Joe Satriani), so I might as well move to the next instrument. My big choices are: Stu Hamm, Victor Wooten, Adam Clayton, and, oh, Geddy Lee.

I think I can start my knocking Geddy and Adam out. Both are phenomenal players, and Adam has more...well, just look at the guy standing on stage, cigarette in mouth, a "yeah, I know I'm bad-ass" look on his face, and you get the idea.

But, I don't know if it's enough to put him over the top.

I've seen Mr. Wooten 4 times now, and Stu only on the Satch live DVD. I'd probably be more qualified to make a full decision if I'd seen Stu live, but I'll have to make do with what I've got.

And the winner is............

Ah crap, I can't decide. I thought I was going to say Stu, mostly because his style is more in line with what I play/listen to, but it's hard to just gloss over Vic.

So never mind. It's a hard decision, I guess is what I'm trying to say.

Another hard choice would be having to choose between the Flecktones and the Mouth. Hopefully, I never have to make that choice.

I should point out that these aren't the only things I think about all day. I also think about other important thigns like: what pants should I wear tomorrow? Should I even wear pants? Do I need to wash my pants?

And: Did I leave the toaster plugged in?*

Well yeah. That got a bit weird. Right. I'm gonna go do some work, and then do some bowling.

Cheery bye,

*I actually don't use my toaster all that often.

Thursday, February 26

Beef: it's what's for movie sign.

Looks like we've been slacking off this week on the posting. I meant to post last night, I swear, but I didn't remember until I was about 5 seconds from getting into bed.

You'll get that.


So you know what's fun?

Yeah, I don't either. But here's a quick little story: I got into work this morning, and proceeded to the door that leads inside to the offices and such. it has one of those 3 number punch code thingies, so I went ahead on and put it in. And.....I can't get the door open. Of course, they changed the code and I didn't get the e-mail, because my name was never added to the official HQ e-mail list. Grr. But I got in, and now I know the code.

The code is: 12345.

That's amazing! I have the same combination on my luggage.

So, I think I'm pretty much the permanent goalie at soccer. Which is fine with me. I can't do anything too phenomenaly stupid, and I think I'm getting halfway decent at it. We tied 3-3 last night, and I think it was one of our better games as a team. I made some good saves, let in a couple I should have stopped, which is about normal for me. I made one save, right at the corner of the net. the guy took a shot, and I just stuck my leg out, and knocked it away. Now, there was no guarantee that was going to work. I don't even remember thinking 'okay...leg out now!' I just did it. So it must have been a reflex. But I still could have missed. So, I guess it works out to having faith that what you do is going to work. Or something like that.

I also went to mass yesterday. I went at 8 before work, so I got to partake of an all school mass. It was kinda different, having some parts I'm used to cut out, and not having any singing. Well, not much. In case you'd forgot: when all of the first and second graders are singing, it's really cute. Also, I saw a couple teachers who are still there and were there when I started many many years ago. Now, they were fairly old then, and they don't look all that different now. Which is a scary thing. Are they beyond aging? Or did they just seem old to me back then because I wasn't so much? I dunno. I think they've stopped aging.

It should be a fun and...interesting weekend. Updates as they become available.

Cheery bye,

Sunday, February 22

Millions of peaches, peaches for me.

I have a thing or two to say, but I'd like to start with this quote pulled from Bridget's away message:

"some days, doing the 'best we can' may still fall short of what we would like to be able to do, but life isn't perfect - on any front - and doing what we can with what we have is the most we should expect of ourselves or anyone else"
- fred rogers

It doesn't relate to anything I plan to say, but I thought it sounded nice. And it's a good thing to keep in mind. So, two points for Bridget.


Today, Dave discovered a wonderful thing: the double boiler. Simply boil some water in a pot, put a heat resistant container on top, and voila! You can melt chocolate chips to make some homemade chocolate covered pretzels.


The quest to pull a portfolio together continues. Three binders of negs down, and one to go. Then I get to peruse everything I've done at work the past 7 months. Lovely.

I feel it worth mentioning that Steve Vai is nuts. I know some of you may have an inkling that he's a bit out there, but check out his new DVD, and you'll see

Wow, I say.

But in a good way.

Is that all I've got? I think so.

Cheery bye,

Saturday, February 21

Giant Balls of Gold

I saw the coolest thing ever last night at Borders: the complete Critic on DVD. Only like, the greatest cartoon series/show/thing ever, next to Rocko, is finally available.

So, can I borrow $45, anyone?

In other news: I called the stringer dude down at the Post yesterday, and he said I should get a porfolio-type thing together and bring it down. So I have to go through all the newspaper-esque pictures I've ever taken and try and select about 25 that will be enough to convince this guy he should take me on for assignments. I'm pretty sure Moses had an easier time convincing Phaoroh to let his people go.

Of course, it was Charlton Heston, but I digress.

So if any of you readers out there have a minute, maybe you could follow one of the handy links to your right, and look at my website, and let me know if there's anything that simply must go in the portfolio.

What else can I tell you people.....

Eh, nothing I feel like typing right now.

So I'm gonna go finish cleaning house.

Don't you wish your Saturday's could be this exciting?

Thursday, February 19

Signs of Life

Yes, the Blues won 4-3 in OT tonight.

That's 3 in a row now. I'd call it a start. will to type anything was just sapped.

So yeah, this is simply a post for the sake of posting.

It's not easy to force these things.

So maybe I should end this, eh?

I do want to conclude with a quick teaser of something I'll explain in full later. I had an amusing run-in with "the man" tonight.

Oh alright, it was a park ranger.

But still...

Right. I'm off to bed. Damn 11:15 soccer games.

cheery bye,

Wednesday, February 18

Keep on fishin'

So here's something interesting I learned today (and it's only 10 in the morning!).

Office equipment does NOT like it when you threaten to "take its happy ass out to the scrap yard."

But it sure felt good to say it. You would too, if you had to deal with the same copier we have. Consider this: the entire freaking system got new copiers except us. We make more copies than anyone in the system, to my knowledge, and yet we still have an old clunker.

To quote....someone (I'll say Shakespeare): Lord, what fools these mortals be!

Coolness update: I got an e-mail from Merch Man Will, and he liked the shirt idea I sent him. Excellent. He also said we should 'catch up,' which is very cool. So he remembers who I am. Lovely. I now have e-mails from 2/5 of the Mouth Crew.

News flash: having dinner with your mom can be an extremely cool thing.

Driving wisdom: if you think traffic is about to clear up, it probably is, so don't get off the highway.

Muppet thought: any music video can be enhanced with the Muppets. Especially when they have those flipping penguins at the end.

And another thing: If you see a good deal on gas, for God's sake, fill up! Odds are it'll have gone up by the time you get home.

cheery bye,

Monday, February 16

It helps if you've got money to burn.

Alright, a weekend update.

I broke the D string on my guitar of choice (that would be the Epiphone, for those keeping track at home). Do you know how annoying that is? It's one hting to break the high E, since it's not terribly vital most of the time, unless y ou're playing 'Man on the Run.' But D is like...right there with most chords, power chords, etc. It's kinda hard to get around. And I haven't had a chance to get a new one yet.


On the bright side (yeah! the bright side!), I was able to learn 'Invincible,' and I can almost sing with it. But, as the Other One mentioned, it really needs the bass, drums, Paul Sanchez, etc.

You know, minor stuff like that.

Speaking of Paul: I got an e-mail from him today! How cool! It didn't say much more than 'glad you dug the shows,' but still. Whee!!! Great guy...

I spent a few quality hours in the room of dark today, printing some stuff to hang around the house, and a picture for each member of the Mouth. I think they might like to get something at the end of a show for a change.

Now here's something: I parked in the garage at school today, in a space clearly labeled 'visitor.' I get out to leave, and find TWO freakin' tickets on my window. One for not having a permit, and another for parking in a vistor space.

The hell?!?

I WAS a visitor you nimrods! I saw no signs saying 'visitors please sign in,' or anything like that.

Jeezo. Goofballs.

So yesterday I went to the dog parade and field tested the new camera. It performed admirably, and returned some nice shots. Interestingly, I learned that Maggie is a nickname for bassett hounds. As far as I know, none of them were doing the two-step.

Saturday was Arbor Day. Wait, no, sorry. It was Valentine's Day. Things went as well as could be expected, I guess. I dunno. When everything is settled and figured out, I'm sure I'll let you know. Because so many of you who read this know what I'm talking about.

I've said it once, and I'll say it again: three day weekends rock.

cheery bye,

Friday, February 13

And another thing...

I think it bears mentioning that today is Friday the 13th.

Not to imply anything, I just thought I'd mention it. It could explain my CD player. I'm also glad I don't have a black cat.

I don't consider myself superstitious or anything, but still, it's probably better not to tempt these sort of things. Because then I might get paranoid.

Look out behind you!

Ha! Fooled you!

A couple other things I forgot the first time:

1.) Ken and Barbie "broke up."
a.) Why on earth is the media making such a big deal about this? The Post ran the "story" on the
FRONT FREAKING PAGE today! People on the radio are talking like a couple of plastic dolls are
real people, and that Barbie has some kind of actual thought process.
b.) Does anyone really care one way or the other?
c.) Isn't it odd, though, that they picked two days before Valentine's Day to launch this thing?

2.) I got my new glasses last night. I quite like them, and I can see, which is probably the most
important thing. I haven't had a new pair since high school, or maybe even before, so it's sort
of excting. Unfortunately, I still have trouble not knowing who Nietchze is.

I got my first pair of glasses in second grade, and thought it was the end of the world. Now I think I look somewhat decent in them. So there you go. It only took me somewhere around....14 years or so to come around. At least I didn't rush my decision.

Cowboy Mouth has April blocked off from touring, so it seems that the recording thing is looking good. The LT videos are ready, and my t-shirt idea is good to go.

Which reminds me, I need to find a two-step pattern.

Cheery bye,

Alive in an Ultra World

I really don't have much to say, but I figure I should post something just to keep up appearances. I can't let Steve have all the fun. According to a contract we signed, he's entitled to 57% of the fun every other month. So there you go.
My CD player in my car is going to die very soon. As soon as I can afford to get a new one, it's going to meet a very unhappy ending. A hammer would be too good for it. Maybe I'm cranky, but still. CDs that used to play just fine will skip for no good reason. Stuff skips all the time. Yeah, it's old, but still. I don't care about that right now. It's easier to complain about the damn thing.
So there you go again.
I do have a three day weekend to be happy about. So I'm happy about that.
And now here I go, again, on my own.

...and no, I'm not going to quote Whitesnake.


Twice in as many days would just be wrong.

The Strokes and Dreamtheater are both coming to the Pageant. I think I should like to see one of those shows. But which?

Wednesday, February 11

This blog is my blog, kids gave this blog to me.


So last night marked the closing of Dave doing his taxes all by himself.

And, I get money back, which is good. According to my figures, I don't get as much back as I originally hoped, which is not so good. So I get to try again and see if I goofed somewhere. I should certainly hope so. I'm not really depending on that return or anything, but if the potential to get more back is there, I should sure like to make the most of it.

Yeah, the IRS is supposed to let me know if I goofed and send me the extra cash, but I'd rather get it done myself. And who's to say they won't feel like being nice that day? What if my return comes up at the end of the day, and the poor IRS worker who's been checking returns all day just doesn't feel like it?

Such is my dilemma.

I also sold my soul yesterday and bought a digital camera (a high-faulltin' one, mind you). It's big, heavy, but pretty cool. So we'll see how it does in the field. Probably won't get any assignments this week. Such is life

I don't think I have anything else to say. There's no Cowboy Mouth news to relate, save for the news of a new album for this summer. So that's good. Only 3 months (or so) until Rib Fest.

I need something to tide me over.

cheery bye,

Sunday, February 8

Was it last week? Last month? I don't remember...

No, really.

My brain's a bit jumbled from this weekend.

The Other One has pretty much covered the high points, but let's see if I can fill in some other details.

The LT show on Thursday night was a blast, even if having Beatle Bob doing his...thing off to the side was a bit annoying on some of the more intimate songs. But, I got over it, and was able to enjoy the music. The LT Living Room tour thing is indeed, a wonderful way to experience music. No flash or extraneous nonsense: just two guys, two guitars, and a lot of great music and stories. Paul and Griff are great guys, even if I could only think of "excellent as always" to tell them after the show.

Oh well.

Mississippi Nights kicked serious ass. The setlist was amazing, and very unexpected. I was excited going into it, but had no idea just how much fun I'd have.

So Friday night at Mojo's was just as good, if not better. As noted, I actually talked with Griff, and he remembered me from the night before. Huzzah! And it was great just how appreciative he was with me simply asking when his new album was coming out. Wonderful guy, and he signed my picture AND gave me an idea for a song.

And I talked with Paul. About his hat! Go figure. We got to talking about various things, and he asked if I'd come with friends, and I said I did. He asked where they were, so I showed him, and we was like "well et's go over and say hey."

So we did! He thanked us all for coming, shook all our hands, and gave Tom extra thanks for having seen the Mouth 13 times. And he signed my picture. Great guy.

AND I talked to Will, the Merch Man. And, of course, he was cool. He said he'd put my pictures on the website, and if I had any ideas for t-shirts to send them along. Whee!!!

I didn't talk much to Fred and Mary, although I chatted with Fred online for a few minutes today, and, no surprise, he remembered me.

I love those guys.

I'll have to have a chat with Mary after Rib Fest.

I love those guys and gal.......

And to top it all off, my pictures actually came out! After half a dozen shows, I FINALLY got some good shots.

And, I'm really close to getting my digital camera. And to top it all off, it's a better camera than what I was going to get, for about half the price. is good.

After the hecticnessity of this weekend, work is gonna seem like a vacation tomorrow.

cheery bye,

Tuesday, February 3

Swiss nut toasted almond breath.

So an interesting thing happend this evening.

I had to vote.

And I had no idea who I was going to vote for.

I knew that George 'W' Bush, III, Jr. was out, so that left me to choose between the 87 potential Democratic candidates, who, by and large, seem about the same.

So, I did some research at work today, to see if I could settle on someone.

And I did, but I don't think I'm going to tell you.

I actually took one of those questionaires to see who my ideal choice was, and it turned out to be Kucinich. I didn't vote for him.

Sorry, dude.

But, vote I did. I feel obligated to vote. I don't like the idea of not voting. Which forces me to keep up with things, which, is a good payoff, I think. I can be in the know.

I also went to get some new glasses. I had to get a quick eye check, so I had to take my contacts out. So I'm walking around pretty much blind, and ( I do this all the time), I squint, thinking it's going to make a difference. It doesn't, so I don't recommend it. But, I got new glasses. And I even got to use my insurance for the first time since I started working full-time. How exciting!

I snowed last night. Again. And I had to shovel the driveway. Again. And there's supposed to be snow again tomorrow and Thursday. Lovely. I just adore driving to concerts in the snow. Thankfully, I don't have far to go, and the weather for Friday looks good.

I think that's about it.

Cheery bye,