Thursday, December 11

mind over mind

So, in an attempt to make my life sound just ever so slightly more exciting than it actually is, I offer this story from last night's soccer game.

About midway through the second half, I'm chasing down the ball in the corner, but the guy from the other team beats me to it, and kicks it rather hard, in an effort to clear it, right off the side of my head.

No wait! Come back! I'm not done yet.

I go down, naturally, but, also naturally, I'm right back up again (I think it falls under the realm of a "stupid guy thing"). The ref had blown the whistle, although I found that pointless, since it took me longer to fall than get back up. Anyways, I'm about to get going again, when the guy from the other team asks me if I'd lost a contact. I check my eyes, and my left eye seems a bit blurry, so I'm like "I guess so." So the majority of both teams start looking for it, which must have been an amusing sight, but no go. I also realized that even if we DID find it, it did me no good, since I sure as hell wasn't going to put it back in my eye, and I didn't have a case. So I played on. After the game, I'm driving home, and I'm thinking to myself, "Self, my vision isn't all that off." So I get home, check the mirror, and, of course, Mr. Lens is still in there. So there you go. The power of suggestion is indeed powerful.

Oh yeah, we won. 7-1, or something. I don't know, or care all that much. All these "freelancers" we have on our team don't do much for me. Sure they're good, but there's no real team chemistry with them. They don't sub, and they're too flashy. So I'll be glad when they leave. Soon, I hope. We have three weeks off, and then we should have some regulars back.

One other thing: it's cold enough to freeze your winnebago out there! It's so cold I found a polar bear in by refrigerator trying to keep warm!

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