Sunday, December 28

Ah, yeah, huh. well. Whee!

Heh. Family. Yeah, they're all nuts. And then you get them all in the same room, and just wait for something fun to happen! Last night was close, I think. Thankfully, Auntie Di was nice enough not to go and rip Dalette's lungs out with a toothpick. And make no mistake, I'm sure she could, if she was so inclined.

And then there was the "fireplace incident" of Christmas Eve. Mix one large dog, one edgy dad, a fireplace, and his mom, and you've got....fireworks. Yeah, yeah. Shut up. But, in the end, cooler heads prevailed.

Or something. Shoot I don't know. Ask the other one. He can give you a long shpeel. I frankly don't feel like typing it all out. If you really want to know, you can come and ask me at work tomorrow. Odds are I won't feel like doing anything anyways. And besides, the boss is on vacation, so I could probably get away with it.

Oh yes. I think it's worht noting that ALL parents think their kids are the cutest babies on the face of the earth. It's just one of those things. Sort of like guys and power tools. Only different.

No, I'm sure Steve's kids will be simply precious.

Hey! Do you know how to tell when you're done playing football? That's right! When The Man kicks you off the field.

I miss having a month off.

U2 still kicks ass.

Bloody weather.

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