Tuesday, December 9

And another thing...

First, a big hello to our anonymous poster. Whoever you are, "thank you for stopping bye!"

I quoted that from something, but I can't remember what. CGT, any ideas? It might be Rocko, but I could be wrong. Great. Now I'm going to be up all night trying to figure out where that came from. Grr. Way to go, brain. Trying to drive me nuts.

Can you tell I'm filling space? I actually do have a point or two.

Sort of going back to the 'Tones show, although this is a bit more generic. For all concert-goers: when you get to the show, PICK A SPOT AND STAY THERE! All this wandering back and forth and pushing your way up is rude, and damn annoying. Now, if the crowd is shifting, sure, move on up. But don't go strolling around in THE MIDDLE OF A SONG! Also, why do people go to shows and talk on their cell phones DURING a song?

Man, people can be stupid sometimes. Bah.

Note to you bachelor types out there: changing the vacuum bag is a good idea every so often. You can actually get the floors clean! Whee!!!

Speaking of album titles, Pink Floyd's masterpiece 'Dark Side of the Moon' was actually a title used by another band around the same time. The other album (I can't recall who, but I can look it up), was a commercial dud, so the Floyd felt okay in using it for themselves. Something else to chew on, eh?

update: the name of that band was Medicine Head. I almost tripped over a cat to bring you that information, so don't forget it!

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