Sunday, December 7

the fjords of oslo

Ah, nothing like a Flecktones show.

The modifier 'good' is redundant, since the phrase "Flecktones show" implies good. And, as always, they were beyond brilliant. I can't recall any specifics, which always annoys me.

I somehow feel prvileged that my favorite bands/musicians are the best at what they do. The 'Tones, U2, Pink Floyd, Satriani, Pearl Jam--all excellent bands to begin with, but they also happen to be (as far as I'm concerned) THE best in the business. So I guess I end up feeling elitist when I'm at these shows, which irks me, since I don't want to feel better than everyone else. Oh well. I suppose that if that's the worst of my problems, I'm in good shape, eh?

That being said...I don't think I have anything else to say.

In the words of the great Rob Savoy: "That's all I got."

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