Thursday, April 29

Bagels? Mmmm....yeah, alright.

Something I neglected to mention yesterday.

I was driving home from work on Tuesday, and was sitting behind a car with a number of goth-type bumper stickers adorning its rear end. Fine and dandy, I suppose, if you're into that sort of thing. I think they were kinda silly myself, but no one asked me. The other thing that caught my eye was one of those fish on the trunk. It was in the shape of the normal Jesus-style fish, but it had a little fang where the mouth would be, and it said 'vampire' on the inside.

So I found that to be pretty silly too, but it got me thinking: if this lady is a vampire, why is she outside in the middle of the afternoon on an extremely non-cloudy day? Shouldn't she be a pile of goo on the sidewalk? Despite what the commercial implied, I refuse to believe a pair of good snuglasses would adequately defend a vampire of going 'poof' upon stepping outside.

Then again, maybe it was the vampire's daughter or something, and she was on her way, I'm not going to go the obvious route, so just stop it.

Ah, who cares.

Maybe she was on her way to the blood bank.

Take that!

Dracula: it's been DONE TO DEATH!

My entire body, below the neck, is hurting in many unpleasant ways today. This goalie thing really gets to you after awhile. Still, I played probably my best game since I took the position (even my teammates said so). Shoot, even the other team seemed impressed.

About that other team: my Spanish teacher sophomore year at DeSmet, Sr. Saali, plays on that team. All night I was telling myself: don't let him score. Naturally, he scores the tying goal not 30 seconds after saying he was going to get one on me.


Regardless, I played well, and the team played well. And we didn't lose!

I think that's about it for now. Back to work I go.

No me digas! Esta libro, esta tarde!

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