Monday, April 19

You know, I'm a guy you don't want to fight.

When I say "jump," you say "yeah right."

87 points to anyone knowing the source of those lines.

Dedicated readers might recall my concerns over the digital alterations of pictures in our Annual Report at work. Oh, wait, I'm sorry: retouching. They make it sound so nice, don't they? Anyways, I saw the finished product today. There are probably around 6 instances I can name where an image was altered beyond what I consider acceptable. The big one, with the exterior shot and the clouds added, looks, well.....a bit fake. Or so I think. The clouds just don't seem natural. So I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or not. In another image, the background was blurred with a filter, and it's pretty obivous, as the edges of the foreground and background aren't too clean. One guy was flipped around, and the logo on his shirt removed so you couldn't tell. A kid, dressed up in a robe for a Harry Potter party, had his hands taken out (they were just sticking out from the edge of the robe).

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Triple tsk.

That's a tsk all the way!

Something from yesterday I forgot to mention: I went to mass, and after the homily (I think), the priest blessed the holy water, and did proceeded to sprinkle the assembly with it. Now, at Sacred Heart, they don't use that little orb-on-a-stick thing (anyone know the name?). They use an actual branch (maybe an olive branch?), and it holds a lot of water. Well, when he got to my section, he had to get a fresh supply of water. So I got DRENCHED (had to clean off my glasses). It was quite amusing, as everyone had a bit of a smirk on their face, as I've never seen so much water used.

It was kinda fun. I apologize for such bad wording, but it was all I could come up with.

My first attempt at a BBQ failed miserably, as the fire went kaput, and I was forced to cook my brats inside. But they turned out well in the end, and I have a wonderful leftover for tomorrow.


But no mustard...


My monitor died at work today. Kinda sad. Thankfully, IT had a pretty nice one to replace it. They may not be able to help with my other problems (we use Macs in our department, and no one in IT is terribly Mac savvy), but they do have new monitors.

I'm going to see Rush in June! And the Flecktones 3 days later. That is, of course, after the amazing back-to-back BOC/Cowboy Mouth weekend in just over a month. August brings Weird Al to Six Flags. This week has Nickel Creek at the Pageant.

Good stuff.

I was rooting through my desk last night, trying to find a decent sized envelope, and I happened across something interesting. Wedged behind the back of the drawer were two of my old X-Men comics, dated 1992 and 1993. Wow. Probably about the time I stopped buying them. I can't think of a lot to say about them, but it did bring back some old memories.

And it makes me wonder what there were doing in there to begin with.

I cut my grass last night, and after I finished, my neighbor came up and asked if he could add some stuff to my garbage, as they're getting ready to move, and have tons of stuff to get rid of. Crazy. They were here when we moved in some 13 years ago. 13!!! Man I've been here a long time. I don't interact with my neighbors too often. I don't think anyone around here does, really. I wonder why. Is it that way all around? If so, why? Whatever happened to block parties and fun stuff like that?

Oh well.

I think I'm done. Quite a long post, considering I had originally intended to mention just the Annual Report and church. Aren't you proud of me?

half a block down the street from jerry's bait shop,

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