Monday, April 12

Freak! On the left, it's the cheese-head man!

I'd like to point out that the 'freak' in that line is not an adjective, rather, it's more of a command. Also, the 'cheese-head man' is not a reference to rabid Packers fans. It was a stream of consciousness thing I came up with once.

Just so you know.

If you were wondering.

Were you?

Ummmmm, yeah. Anyways. Yesterday I had bratwursts for dinner at dad's. Smothered in Maul's, no less, so it was really yummy. Different from ham, I might add, and quite tasty. Oh yeah, and lots of chocolate. I should be wired on the stuff for a couple weeks. Also, I got the required allotment of Peeps, which, of course, will be stale and still sitting in my basket come mid-May. I should just pass them on to Ms. Sullivan, who, in her own words, just bought "$10 worth of Peeps."

The MaxRes staff is impressed.

Last night witnessed the first (sort of) concert by Routine 27. Consisting of one (I) song played (not totally butchered) to a rapt audience of one (one) over a phone.

Hey, it's a start.

We did play pretty well, though, until someone (read:me) broke a string (again!) during a very nice performance of 'Rinse and Repeat.' Dave is going to get some new bits for that guitar so I can keep it in tune AND keep strings from breaking.

Fun, no?

Friday night witnessed the induction of two new members into the 'UHF Lovers' HOF. 'UHF' is a love it or hate it movie: there is no middle ground, trust me. And when Janice and Jess damn near put a hole in my floor, I think it's safe to say they enjoyed it.

Awwwww, man!

I have a puddle of drool under my desk. Can you tell me why?

Saturday's date was a good thing, and I'm pleased to report that all the animals were out, and doing things animals do. I even had a lizard waving at me. Really! All the cats were out, doing things cats do (sleep), and the hippos put on a good show.

I FINALLY got a new remote for the TV upstairs. For those in the know, this is a big thing. For those of you out of the loop, don't worry.

You are now up-to-date.

Don't fear the reaper,

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