Wednesday, April 14

Harvester of Eyes

It is currently, wait, let me check.

Eh, call it "9."

I've been awake for, oh, around 4 hours. Actually, I set my alarm for 4:45, but I think it was around 5 when I rolled out of bed. Why, you may ask? To go downtown and provide moral support, of course! We have Food For Fines next week, so we went down to promote it on Channel 5's morning show, which starts taping at 5:50 a.m. So I had to leave around 5:20 or so to get down there on time. And I did, remarkably. It seems that the earlier I have to get up, the easier it is, maybe because if I'm getting up that early, it's probably for something important and/or exciting. Now I have to try and make it through a soccer game tonight. Thankfully it's not the 11:15 game.

I don't really recommend waking up that early unless absolutely necessary, though. Still, the traffic was non-existant, and I had an excuse to stop and get a bacon/egg/cheese biscuit on my way back to work. Yummy. I didn't get to really see the sunrise, though, since our location downtown did a good job of hiding the sun.

Oh well, maybe next time.

No, wait....

A few weeks ago, I posed the question "I there love in space?"

The answer, I'm happy to say, is a resounding "yes." So, everyone should do themselves a favor and go buy the new Joe Satriani album.

What are you waiting for? Go! Now! I'll wait.


Oh good, you're back. Please allow me to whine a moment.

All three guitars have broken strings. The 12-string broke whilst I was tuning it, and the Strat broke....well, I don't know why, but it did. And the SG broke during a jam on Sunday, but it's been breaking quite frequently the past month or two. But I've already posted on that. Now I have to go buy at least 3 new strings, maybe 3 sets. I don't know. I think it's recommended to change all strings when you change one. I'm unsure why. Very annoying.

Tomorrow is tax day. Did you get yours sent in?

Oh! Exciting news.

So CM is gonna be at RibFest on May 29, which I'm sure you (Janice) already knew. Ah, but even cooler news: Blue Oyster Cult is gonna be at RibFest on May 28!!! How cool is that? And Mr. Satch is going to do some touring with Deep Purple this summer before embarking on his solo tour.

Good, good stuff.

Hands in the air,

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