Wednesday, April 28

Sounds like I deserve a three hour lunch.

A three our lunch! a three hour lunch!

Or something like that. You get the idea.

I went to get fitted for a tux Monday night. Generally, I'm against the concept of dressing up. Ties and dress slacks send me into a frothing rage. I've only warmed up to dark socks in the past year. But for some reason, I'm all about getting a tux. Maybe it's the pants with the racing stripes, or the cool adjustable buckles on the side. It could be the plastic shoes, or one of the other 37 parts. Don't know for sure, I just know I enjoy them. I think I look halfway decent in one, too, so that's a bonus.

I have a color selected for my bathroom. Hopefully I can get the wallpaper down on Friday. Sunday, weather permitting, I'm going to plant flowers and some shrubberies out back.

A shrubbery! dramatic chord

And a little path running down the middle. a path, a path!! Ni!! Shh!

Um....yeah. Home improvement. It's where it's at. But once I get this bathroom painted, what will I have left to look forward to? Painting Steve's room obsidian? I guess so, but I don't want to rearrange his furniture.

Yeah. I don't know. I'm just trying to pad this thing out, because I don't really have a lot to say.

I got my tax refund like 3 weeks ago, and didn't even know it! When I sent in the paperwork, I checked the box to have it auotmatically deposited in my checking account. I didn't find out until Monday night, as I was looking over my bank statement. So there it was. And I was happy. A bit miffed that Uncle Sam didn't at least send a note or something, but hey, not that big of a deal. Acoustic guitar, here I come.

So Thomas is going to be staying with me for a month(ish) before his wedding in June. That should prove interesting. I've not had anyone non-family stay at the house for any length of time before. Steve and I pretty much know how the other one works (a well-oiled machine, if you will), but throwing someone completely new into the mix is going to be different. Granted, I'll still be at work all day, so it won't be too huge a difference. We'll see. Lots of quality jam time, though.

I don't think this post is really going anywhere, so think I'm going to wrap it up. Or wind it down. It depends on how that last part went.

Anydangways, I'm off to work, or something like it.

I'm quite happy right now. A bit sore in the ribs for some reason, but otherwise, quite happy.

your friend in the diamond business,

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