Monday, May 3

Ever been to the Dells? Let's ride the ducks!

You know, it's interesting. Reading that last post, I can barely remember any of what the other one was talking about. I have no doubts that everything he said happened, but I have only a vaguest recollections of some of those things happening. Very weird. I can tell you what I had for dinner our first night in Georgia. I can tell you about all sorts of completely obscure, pointless tidbits of information from my life, but i can't tell you anything about that day.

So what does that mean?

I have no idea.

I can tell you though, that for the first time since everything happened, I think all parties are quite happy. Who knew that a dog and a house would make dad so content? Yeah, he probably doesn't have as much control over said dog as he might think sometimes*, but still. He does seem happy, though, and it's nice to go over there and not feel awkward or anything.

So let's see. What else is gnu.

The bathroom wallpaper is down, thank you very much. The backing isn't down, but the actual paper is. So it's a start. I should have the backing down in a couple days, and have myself good to paint by next week. I will have it painted by next weekend. Oh yes, I will.

If'll send Janice over to use the neighbor's bathroom. Yeah, that's the ticket! Good way to kick off a first date, don't you think?

Mmmmmm, first date. Rock on! Only...12 more days (or something like that).

I saw something at mass yesterday I thought was really cool. There was an older couple a couple pews ahead of me, and whenever they were standing, the husband would rest his hand on his wife's. Nothing fancy, just a little symbol of affection. Very nice.

I did some other stuff this weekend, but I don't really feel like posting about it. Maybe some other time.

Sorry to keep everyone hanging, as I'm sure the exploits of my weekend are the high points of everyone else's Mondays. Please feel free to complain, and someone will see to it your message gets to me.


*this, from a guy who is clearly at the mercy of his cats' every whim.

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