Friday, May 14

The Chords of Life

So here's something I've learned:

There are people in this world, such as myself, who play the guitar.

There are also, as I now know, actual guitar players, such as Joe Satriani.

The man put on an amazing show Wednesday evening, even though it was just him. He had a backing CD of bass, drums, and rhythm guitar. The setlist, for anyone wondering:

Satch Boogie
Flying in a Blue Dream
Summer Song
Always With Me, Always With You
Up in Flames
Hands in the Air

Mostly, it was a clinic to show off some new gear he helped design. But still, it was extremely cool (especially since I was in the second row of seats). I was going to have him sign something, but the line was too long, and I needed to get home and eat before soccer. I think I'll live.

So on said DVD, Joe shares the stage with the uber-talented Steve Vai (dig the triple neck guitar), and one Yngwie Malmsteen. Malmsteen's method of playing seems to be a "let's see how many noted can I cram into one measure." I'll admit I wasn't listening really close, but I can't recall a single actual melody I could hum back. It was just speed, speed, and more speed. And based on his mannerisms on stage, he seems pretty full of himself, when, in my opinion, he doesn't hold a candle to either Joe or Steve, who, from what I can tell, are two of the nicest guys in the world of rock.

In other news: since I overslept today, I skipped breakfast at home and ate here at work, which means I got to resurrect the infamous "DeSmet Breakfast:" one (1) can of Mountain Dew and one package of chocolate frosted donuts. Enjoy in moderation. Yummy. I got fitted for my tux last night. I don't remember any of the numbers, save for my pant size, since I use that myself every so often. I also have no clue what this tux is going to look like. Kinda creepy. Rachel helped Tom pick them out, I'm sure, so the odds of something purple are low, thankfully.

Today is Friday, which means tomorrow is Saturday.

We all know what that means, don't we?

I'm pleased to report the gash on my finger from last week is about 90% healed. Still tricky to do some trickier giutar work, but it shouldn't be too much longer.

I let George outside for a few minutes earlier this week. I think he enjoyed his stroll on the patio, but I was never more than 2 feet away from him. I think I was acting like a parent with a 2-year old. Crazy. Maybe, maybe I'll let Chip out someday. But that's only if I'm feeling really adventerous.

Well, according to the clock on the wall, I should be working. So I'm gonna get to it. And remember: with a Matthew's Clock, you always know what time it is.

your Highway Star,

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