Tuesday, May 11


Oh, happy days, folks.

What I was considering a damn good week has just got better.

Tomorrow night, Joe Satriani (yes, that) Joe Satriani) is going to be doing an in-store performance and CD signing at Dale's Music. Dale's, for crying out loud!!! And it's free! How cool is that? I am so there.

And I got my bathroom painted last night, finally. Just under two hours. And I now know my the former owners of the home (mom, dad) had wallpaper up in the first place: the walls have about 18,000 holes in them, give or take a few hundred. So I have some work yet to do in there. But, it's painted, which is the big part. It doesn't look quite as good as I'd originally thought, but I think it's mostly because the walls are pretty blank right now. I think I can take care of that.

I find myself with a myriad things to do this week, and just enough time to get them all done. Last night was bathroom work. Tonight involved trips to Walgreens, Dierbergs, Target, and a fun session with my lawn mower. See above for tomorrow night, and then add a soccer game to it for good measure. Thursday and Friday nights will involve a lot of work around the house. Normally, I wouldn't put too much effort into house cleaning over two nights (more likely over a week), but I have good reason this time.

Yes, this Saturday is finally date time. I've been looking forward to this for almost a month now. I usually look forward to dates, but this time, I'm flat-out excited about it, which can only be a good thing. More good things to follow, I'm sure. it's gonna be really, really not bad.

Which is why I have to clean the house. I can't have Janice thinking I'm a slob, now, can I?


I had a most enjoyable weekend in the metropolis that is Charleston, IL. I got to spend quality time with the crazy chunk of the family (good crazy, mind you), drive Aunt Diane's new Fo' Splo', and use my new lens.

mmmmm.....new lenses rock, especially this one. Everyone I made look through it can testify to that.

I also got to meet Leah, which is another good thing. Thankfully, she didn't seem to scared by the combined oddness of myself, Steve, mom, Aunt Diane, and grandma, so she's A-OK in my book.

Not to say that's the only reason, but, well, you know what I mean...

You may notice I didn't use Mike in my above list. Generally, he's not quite as zany as the rest of the family. He tends to save his jokes for just the right moment. And so I'm pleased to award him 57 points for this joke he made Saturday.

Mom and I were gonna hit 5 o'clock mass, and we got to talking about the church in town. The name was St. Charles of Borromeao (spelling may be off), and I was, of course, confused as to just who that guy was, and how it was spelled. Mike, ever the quick wit, came back with something to the effect of "if you want to Borrow Mayo, you go there."

Ha ha!

That Mike...

Alright folks, I think I'm just about done. Lots to look forward to this week, so I'm sure to have lots to talk about, and maybe, if ya'll are lucky, some fun pictures to show.

I'm not coming down,

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