Monday, May 17

And now, for a limited time: depth!

Whoa, check out all my dimensions!

Yes, reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. So mom can rest easier now. Being down in the Loop yesterday was definitely better than being dead.

Confused yet?

Allow me to explain.

I know how toast works.

Goodnight, everybody!

.......aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm back.

Anyways. I had a most fantastic weekend. Wonderful weather, and just good times all around. Probably the best time I've had in a good long while. I also learned an important lesson: sunscreen is your friend. Embrace it. I also picked up three shirts and an excellent jazz record for the low, low price of $40.

For the sake of argument, I'll call the jazz record "Heavy Weather."

There was also the drunk kid being found in the drainage ditch down by the tank at Bangert, the kids throwing huge chunks of bread at ducks at St. Ferdinand, and the World's Best Sandwich. Yummy. There was also a little girl who reminded Janice and I that 'practice makes perfect.' Wise kid, that one.

I also managed to wake up at 5:30 this morning for some reason. I quickly put an end to that nonsense. I did have a weird dream after that, though, involving a church/bowling alley, my 80-200mm lens, Fr. Terry, and a couple other random people who have no real connection to each other.

Yeah, I don't get it either.

In conclusion, I look good in red.

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