Sunday, March 7

Then Came the Last Days of May

In early March, no less.

Important item I learned last night: napkins and pepper make for very interesting art pieces.

Neo-deconstructionalist was the term I used.

However, it's very succeptible to....well, people, "sneezing," if you know what I mean, and I think you do.


I also owe Steve another apology for forgetting to actually come home last night.

Sorry! I'm such a clod.

I was at church last week, and, because my brain does these things, started wondering what song was #666 in the Music Issue. Or, did they skip over it? Turns out they don't, and the song is "Save Us, O Lord." Seems kinda fitting, maybe, but I don't think I've ever heard that particular number used in Mass. Guess it would be a bit odd.

I'm in the tedious process of revamping the 'ol website. It seems to be coming along well. I have the main pages set, now it's a matter of picking what goes on each page, and loading it onto the server.

Updates as the situation warrants.

Special assistant to the moose,

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