Wednesday, March 24

Antedeluvial dreams

I've seen many a thing in my time here, and some of it has been pretty wacky. But what I went through on Monday has left me, for once, quite beyond words.

Surreal was the only thing I could think of.

You may recall, a few months ago, my ramblings about my flooded basement, and the two inches of water in my driveway. If not, don't worry, it's not that big of a deal.

But imagine, if you will, water 2-3 times deeper, 10,000 gallons in the end, completely covering the entire surface of our main reading room at work. Also, imagine that the pressure from the ruptured pipe buckled the concrete, and caused giant pockets of water to form under the carpeting, forming a large island, and nearly tipping a few cases of books over.

That was my Monday, and I hope to have a picture here soon, since it more easily conveys the strangeness of it all.

I've also been given an edict not to take too many pictures, but I wasn't given any concrete reason, so, until the clean-up crews tell me to stay the hell out of their way, I'm gonna keep on. Granted, you can only shoot so much of people removing carpet, so I'm gonna take a break.

But still.

And really, there's nothing else to report anywhere near as interesting as that.

Not yet, at least...

wishing for a bigger boat,

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