Friday, March 19

I'll be here awhile, ain't going nowhere.

No, I still don't like Matrix: Revolutions.

I was not satisfied with how it answered the situation it set up.

So there.

An odd thing happened this morning: I woke up to my phone ringing a little before 7. I didn't pick up, since it was just a little too early for that. I can hear the answering machine through the floor though, so I could hear that it was Tom. So when the message was over, I checked to see the time, and realized, to near-horror, that I never set my alarm when I went to bed last night. So if Tom doesn't call, I oversleep something fierce.

Just for good measure, though, mom called 15 minutes later. So someone would have stirred me from slumber.

So I'm at work right now, and have nothing to do. It's a good 15 minutes before the boss shows up, so I have to kill some time. I hate it when that happens. I could be productive and try to create a job, but it's Friday, and well, just not today.

I'm so looking forward to next week. This week was a bit busier than I wanted, but next week, I have nothing going beyond guitar lessons. So I can hang around the house and make Steve do a bunch of silly chores.

It's gonna be good.

Someone brought us donuts this morning. I just thought I'd mention that.

I could mention some other things, but I'm gonna wait.

I have 2 pages of the website completely linked up and ready to go. That leaves, I believe, three to go, and the long task of uploading everything. Maybe by Monday we'll be good to go.

As always, updates as the situation warrants.

dancin' in the fields,

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