Tuesday, March 16

Is there Love in Space?

Or, for that matter, Kirksville?

That remains to be seen.

Updates as the situation warrante.

New Satriani album in stores April 13!!!

Visit to Kirksville the following weekend. Time for The Fifth Statement to jam and drool over said Satriani album. Also time to take care of other matters.

Again, updates as the situtation warrants.

I had a shoot at the NorCo Rec Center on Sunday (ice show, very cool---get it???), and took a moment to inspect the lake on the premises. There were some odd bits of vegetation growing in there, some brown, some green, kinda fir-tree-esque.

They be Christmas trees!

That's right, I found the secret Christmas Tree burial grounds of North County. Very strange. I took a picture (of course), so when I find out how to upload pictures to this site, I'll post it for all to see.

Speaking of sites, my site is looking damn good, and probably a week away from going online. I think you'll all enjoy it.

Speaking of such things, the ever-awesome Will Byington got my pictures on the Cowboy Mouth site!!! If you go there, head to the pictures section, and look under the 2004 stuff. Mine will be the 3 black and whites scattered throughout the others.

You rock, Will!!!

I went to the dentist again this morning and had three fillings done. Oddly enough, I think the standard cleaning was more annoying than this was. No pain, and I even got a mild dose of gas to "increase my pain tolerance by up to 50%."

Cool, huh?

I also dog-sat for dad, which went well. He behaved nicely, we went for a walk, and had a jolly-good time. I still prefer my cats, though.

That said, I'm gonna go take care of a few bits of tax business.

Carry on and you won't feel withdrawn,

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