Tuesday, March 9

Lords of Karma

I like to use lines from songs I'm listening to for my subject headings. But what to do when I'm listening to a lot of Joe Satriani, who's catalogue is 98% instrumental? I can't very well type out a bunch of notes, it just wouldn't make much sense. The answer, I think, is to stick an audio file at the top instead of a title.

So I'll get on that.

Something I meant to post yesterday, but forgot. As a frequenter of online forums and such, it's inevitable that someone will post something ignorant, stupid, etc etc, and use the reasoning that "if you don't like it, don't read it." That always bugged me, but I just put together why the other day: it's a convenient way for people to not take responsibility for their actions, which seems to be a popular thing to do these days. Yeah, people have a right to say what they think, but there should still be SOME amount of common sense applied to it. Or is that asking too much? If we can't take responsibility for ourselves on a measley message board, it's no wonder things get so messed up in real life.

So that's my rant for today, and probably this month, as I don't do that too often.

Here's something odd: I was at the dentist today, and my dentist has gone super high tech, it would seem. All the assistants have headsets so they're in constant contact with each other, digital camera stuff for instant pictures of those lovely cavities, and today (are you ready for this?) they have PC monitors on swivel arms that have TV running through them. Now I can watch the Today show while they scrape my molars! Oh goody!

And doesn't it seem like a good idea to keep metal hooks away from my cavitiies? Yeah, that's what I thought. So why do they keep poking and prodding them?

I've posted quite a bit the past few days, I've noticed. No particular reason, other than I actually have a lot to say for a change.

Oh! Big news on the Godzilla front. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the original Gojira in Japan, so the next movie is gonna be uber-exciting. 10 monsters, apparently, a bigger budget, and a longer shooting time (generally they might spend less than a year on shooting). So this promises to be very, very cool. Godzilla: Final Wars.

Cool, eh?

wishing for some chocolate mousse,

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