Thursday, April 5

If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home By Now

So, according to this little sidebar at the Yahoo! homepage, one of the most sought-after places to live, along with cities like San Fransisco and Seattle, is, um....Valdosta.

Now, I lived near enough to Valdosta for a couple years, and as far as I can remember, the only thing that town had was a mall. Oh and plenty of clay, Which was weird for a Yank like me, since I was used to seeing dirt everywhere. Looking at the ground and seeing red was pretty weird.

Said mall was also the site of mom, Steve, and me getting locked out of the car one day. Steve, I believe, was about to experience some motion sickness as we hit the lot. In the flurry of everyone hopping out of the car, the keys stayed in, and we all locked our doors. Whoops. Much freaking out ensues, and in the end, a kindly mall security guy uses some fancy contraption that probably looked a lot like a coat hangar to open the door. Much rejoicing.

But is all that enough to warrant its desirability? Maybe people like fire ants. I dunno.


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