Thursday, April 5

ACPT--Puzzle 1

My packet 'o fun from the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament arrived today, and despite the assurance I could work these at my leisure, I had to get cracking. I've been waiting too long for this to just let it sit around.

So I'll try and post thoughts about each puzzle as I work them.

#1 was by Paula Gamache. The theme wasyin/yang, clued as "opposite principles in this puzzle," though I'll be damned if I can find any examples of such in the grid. The two longest answers are 'misery index' and 'johnny angel,' which have some opposite-ness, I guess. But beyond that, I'm kinda lost.

I tore through about 2/3 of the grid, then got hung up on some answers I didn't know. Names, mostly, and a couple terms I hadn't come across before. With a fifteen-minute time limit, I finished in 13:15, with about 5 minutes spent trying to force those remaining answers out.

SOme fun fill included etyma (as in etymology), Olmecs, and lisps.

Maybe I'll get the theme, eventually.



Anonymous said...

miserYINdex, johnnYANGel,...

dave said...

And there it is, staring me right in the face.

Thank you kindly for helping me out. And for stopping by.