Sunday, January 21

Totally Plowed

This morning, anyways. The roads last night were certainly not plowed, making my midnight commute home down 270 a most exciting affair. I have to admit I kinda like driving in the snow (sans father in the passenger seat), probably because it's a real test of all your driving skills, and it makes you really pay attention to what you're doing. I'm not saying I don't normally, but the extra...well, having the snow makes it more interesting. But I can't, for the life of me, figure out why the people who own the big trucks and SUVS, vehicles designed to handle this kind of thing, are all driving slower than me, in my Lumina. And it's not like I was driving like a bat out of hell, either. I don't think I broke 35 the whole way home. And all these big clunkers are poking along at 25 or so. Weird.

I got a bug in my head to look into heading off to Stamford, Connecticut this March for the annual Crossword Puzzle Tournament. But it's bit expensive for me to be planning this close to the event. So I'll save up and go next year. That said, there's an 'absentee' version I can do: they'll mail me the puzzles and I can send them in and see how I rank with everyone else. And for only $20, it's not a bad deal.

Speaking of words, I have 2 new words I can try and throw into my vocabulary: xebec and twiner. Xebec is a type of ship, and twiner is, um, well, some variation of twine. The dictionary wasn't too helpful in telling me what it actually meant. But it got me big points in Scrabble.

And did you know 'set' has the longest entry in a standard dictionary?

How wonderfully nerdy.



Anonymous said...

"Twiner" is "one that twines," also a plant, like ivy that twines around. For the supernerds, you can also solve the Crossword Tournament using an online interactive version. It's also just $20. FWIW.

dave said...

Ah, that makes sense.

Thank you, mysterious stranger.
