Monday, January 15

You're Soaking In It

There are times, such as, say, when one is hosting a Godzillathon, that owning a house is a nice thing. I mean, cramming 7 people and two cats into, say, an apartment, would be kinda tricky. So it's nice to have a living room to work with.

Then we have those times when this whole house thing sucks eggs. The washing machine decided to go on the fritz today. Apparently it doesn't like water anymore and decided it would be better off on my basement floor. Alas, it didn't consult with me on this, as I would have given a firm 'no' on that idea. But, considering the washing machine is older than me(!), I guess it has seniority.

All this is a roundabout way of saying I have to have a repairman come out tomorrow. Granted, it means I can stay home from work, but still. Mom was kind enough to point out that the washing machine has had less maintence in its 26 years than me in my 25. It is a Maytag, after all.

And my branch! Oh I wish you could have seen it when it was splayed across the gap between the tree and my roof, just laying there over my power and cable lines. Thanks to my neighbor, though, we managed to seriously trim it back. As soon as time allows, I'm up on the roof* to finish it off. The tree from whence it came is all but dead, drowned out by two larger trees. So another service call was put in to have someone estimate how much it'll take to bring it down.

Houses. They're a blast!


*Yes, I was damn close to going up on the roof Saturday, ice and all, to take that damn thing down. I had no desire, after surviving an ice storm with my power intact, to have some stupid hunk of wood knock out my lines. Thankfully, my neighbor talked me out of it.

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