Wednesday, January 3

Gut Chex

I don't think shopping is all that hard. Granted, I've had no choice but to do it the past 3+ years, but even if I was just starting out, the basic concept is pretty darned easy: find out what you need, write a list, go to the store, and buy said items. Look for sales. If you need cereal, find something on sale, and then pick from those options. Etc., etc.

So why do people need to call their significant others on the cell phone to double check? Do they not trust their own judgement? Do they think the wife/husband back home doesn't trust their judgement? Come on! It's just cereal, for God's sake! Just grab a box and go! I know there may be kids to consider, but just stop and think before going about what they do and don't like. Not that hard.

There. I feel better now.

Me? I will admit to grabbing a box of Honey-Nut Chex only to go back a little later and swap out for a box of the rice variety. Easier to deal with in the a.m., and a bigger box for the same price. Good deal all around.


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