Saturday, January 13

This Can't Be Right

I woke up this morning, as I tend to do most mornings, and noticed something strange: I had electricity. Now, this is usually a commone thing for me to notice. In fact, I don't usually notice it at all: it's just assumed. But we had a respectable ice storm last night. And, as faithful followers of this bit of web space may recall, any time a major storm of any sort rolled through the past year, I was always out of power. Remember Death Storm? Icy Death/The Cold Shoulder? I was always among the powerless. But today was different. Just down the street from me was out, but I'm still on as of this writing*.

True, I probably just jinxed myself, but I'm going to revel in it all the same.

And I can't lose power now, Godzillathon '07 is tomorrow night! Many people are coming! BJ's pizza is on the line here, people. That is not something nature should be messing with. No no no.

I'm going to order myself a laptop shortly. Very exciting. It'll have a DVD burner, which means I can transfer the 10gb of U2 DVDs off my hard drive and burn them. Obsessed? Me? Nah.


*Well, duh.

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