Friday, December 29

White Out

I have $84 worth of paint somewhere in my basement right now. It's either on the wall or in a bucket. And what a bucket!

So yes, I've been painting the basement. It's going to be a long process, to be sure. First the panelling, then the stucco (God help me), then going back to touch up the tight spots, and then coming back in with a color on the trim. It's all white right now, which might look nice, but is a bit...bland. So we'll fix that eventually.

Then the ceiling, then the carpet....

This is going to take awhile.


I don't knoww what it is about jumping, but it's strangely cathartic. I did a shoot for the Journal on Wednesday and went to a place that was a former fitness center and is now a....well, it's a gymnastic-like place for kids. The main room features a 30-ish foot trampoline for kids to run and bounce on, and at the end is a big pit full of foam blocks. Well I shot the kids in there for a bit, and then when they all left, took a flying leap for myself. And boy oh boy was it fun.

And I have no idea why. Maybe it's just that one moment, small as it may be, where you can let go of anything bugging you and just be kinda goofy. I wish I could figure it out, but I'm glad to have those opportunities.


New Years is almost here. I'm going to say 'bah' to making a resolution and just live my life as best I can.

So there you go.


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