Friday, December 15

Back in the Saddle

It's been some time since I sat down and committed words to this little chunk of the 'net. We've been online for a little over 3 years now, and I had often wondered how long I could keep up something like this. And for awhile, I was thinking I'd just let it fade away, like so many other blogs out there have done.

But then I decided that would be silly.

So I'm going to try this again. I have no idea if anyone actually stops by here anymore. If you do, I'm impressed you stuck around (thanks, though). If you've just happened across the site, I'm sorry, since there are probably far more entertaining ways to spend your time out here. Though I will admit we've had some pretty amusing stuff posted here. Or maybe it was funny to us.

Regardless of whether or not anyone still reads this, I'm going to try to make an attempt at regular(ish) updates. One a week would be great, though I think I could pull off 2-3 a week. So we'll see. I make no promises, though, so if we go a couple months between posts, well, there you go.


So my last post was back in August. An eternity ago in more ways than one. A lot has changed. And some things are still the same.

-Despite all best efforts and intentions, the engagement is no more. Janice and I are no more. It's very weird looking back/thinking back to the way things were. And I have to wonder what happened to cause it all to fall apart so fast. Well, fast relative to the 2+ years of time we spent together. And, ironically, the last two months were probably some of the longest, hardest months I've ever endured.

-So we're two months on since the break-up now, and I'm pretty much fine. I think I'm just now letting myself be a little upset about the whole ordeal. Not blind rage, mind you, but a bit miffed.

-I think a lot of it has to do with starting over. I was pretty confident I'd never have to do that again, but here we are, and I rather resent having to do it. No, I'm not going out on dates all cranky about having to do it, but the general idea of doing it, since I/we were so established.

-I apologize if I'm rambling. It's late, and for some reason, it's easier to talk all this out than it is to type.

So what else has happened?

-I went to the wineries and learned that too much wine can make the ride home in the back of an SUV kinda icky.
-I went to Decatur and watched The Pillowman while hoping Anthony Reyes could hold off the Tigers.
-I learned some basic HTML, which may or may not be of use to me on this site.
-I watched, from a bar in Kirksville, as the Cardinals won the effin' World Series.
-I took the scenic route home from Kirksville, soaking up the scenery of northern MO.
-I went back to Decatur and played in a rock show with the brother, and had a fabulous time.
-I shot a wedding, which, thankfully, was not too traumatic.
-I managed to cancel most of my own wedding, which, again, wasn't too traumatic.
-I spent 2 1/2 hours trying to get home during an ice storm.
-Said ice storm knocked out my power for 36 hours, but I was able to stay warm thanks to the wonderful space heater in my basement.
-My love of crossword puzzles has bloomed into a full-fledged obsession.
-I went on a blind date. Good times were had, but not enough to go again.
-I'm trying to build a new relationship. We'll see how that goes.
-All the while, I've rediscovered how cool most of my friends are.

And I've been trying to write lyrics along the way. It turns out that the end of a relationship can provide a lot of lyrical fodder. But I don't want to dwell in that realm forever. But I think I'm getting a feel for it.


I think that's enough for now.

Here's hoping for more later.


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