Saturday, December 23

Christmas Time is Here

Happiness and cheer.

And phlegm. For me, at least. Nothing says holiday cheer like a stuffy nose and a kick-ass cough. Right? I mean, nothing's more festive.

I went with Kara and Karl for a slight twist on an old Christmas tradition. Most people go out and look for cool light displays on people's houses, yes? Well we went out and tried to find the tackiest houses we could find. And believe you me, not only did we find plenty of our quarry, but it was extremely easy to do. In fact, the number of ugly houses far outnumbered the good houses. It's almost as if people don't care anymore. It tends to look like people go buy anything and everything and then toss it around with no real thought as to aesthetics. Now, I'm not saying it has to be perfect, but SOME thought would be nice. Maybe a consistent color scheme? Some consideration as to the scale of one's house compared to the amount of decoration? Hmm? Please? And a personal request: no more of those inflatable things. They just look stupid.

Who would have thought A-B would have had the best decorations around?

So our senses of aesthetics were assaulted, but we did have fun. And seeing all the schlock made the well-done houses that much nicer. So to you, I offer my thanks and a hearty round of applause. Well played.

So I'm all ready for Christmas. I don't think it crept up on me this year, and I actually "feel like it's Christmas," for a change. And that's nice.

I was...not worried, but.......concerned, maybe, that Christmas would be a bit harder this year, what with becoming disengaged*, but it's been pretty good. On the totally practical side, I saved a fair chunk of change. And on the emotional side? I'm doing pretty good. No particular reason, really. But I get to see most of the family tomorrow, and that's always nice. I get to see the Moores, who I only see about every two years. And if Steve and I are lucky, we can sit in front of the video fire at mom's house on Monday. And next week! No work! Sweet! And more!

Aaaaaand...I have something else on mind. But I'm gonna save it for a bit. Like, until the end of the week, I think. Suffice it to say, it's kind of an interesting development. Certainly not one I'd planned on.


So I took a sick day on Tuesday and a few sick hours yesterday afternoon, thus affording me a chance to catch a Star Trek: Voyager marathon. I forgot how good that series was. Lots of good episodes, and it may, after more viewing, just nose out TNG as my favorite Trek. We'll see. I've caught a couple episodes of TOS the past two nights, and both have been excellent episodes. So it's been a good week for my nerdiness.


All for now, dear readers. Enjoy your Christmas as best you can. And stay healthy!


*credit to Karl for that one.

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