Saturday, December 30

Stare Down

So with this post, we've now had as more posts this month (12), than the past three months combined (11).

Important? No, not really, but as a baseball fan, I like my stats, so I guess they're starting to invade my nomral routine. Maybe.


So the bulk of the painting is done now. From here it's just touch-up work, which, of course, will take longer because I have to use the brush instead of the roller. But it's all moving along much faster than I thought, which is nice. I'm not going to set a hard finish date on this, but if I could have it done by MLK day, that'd be fantastic. And, conveniently, just in time for Godzillathon 2007.


I don't know if I've never noticed this before, or if yesterday was the first occasion I'd had to really notice it in a long time, but eye contact can be a really powerful thing. I don't necessarily mean just looking at someone when you're talking to them. I'm talking about looking at them, like, right in their eyes. It's quite...intense.

Case in point" I had lunch with Sarah yesterday, and at one point, I decided I'd look right into her eyes as I was saying something. I don't remember what we were talking about, though it wasn't anything terribly important. But I went ahead. And it was only a few seconds, but I had to look away after a bit because it was so strong. Or maybe I didn't want to come across as staring. Or both. But it was kinda cool. It helped that she reciprocated.*

And we're going to see the Blues on Thursday. Which, given the team's current state if playing, should make for a good evening on more than one front.

At least, I hope so.


And, if I don't post tomorrow, everyone** have a happy New Year.


*Good word, good word.

**You know, the hypothetical "everyone" that reads this.

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