Tuesday, December 26

Major funky.

How I managed to forget this last night is beyond me.

So we're at the Moore's house on Sunday playing the aforementioned fierce game of dominoes. Or were we playing sequence? Well, the game is irrelevant. Resistance was futile*. And somehow or other, Nancy mentions that she has some limberger (sp?) in the refridgerizer. But no bananas**. Anyways, I mention that I'd never seen, smelled, nor tasted said cheese. I had to find out if it was as nose-turningly funky as I've been led to believe.

So she goes to grab said cheese, thankfully stored in its own plastic bin, and brings it to me for...odor inspection. And hoo-boy, was it funky. It was far and away the most intense smell I've ever smelled on something not rotten. I mean, of course, rotten in a bad way. Lots of cheese has good mold in it.

So once I get over the smell, I have to taste it, right? So I put some on the cracker, and it tastes exactly the way it smells, if that makes any sense. I think the odor of the cheese was wafting up the back of my mouth towards my nose. And while it didn't taste bad, per se, the pervasive odor was so intense I couldn't finish it.

Would I try it again? Maybe, I'm not sure. I am glad to say that I have tried it though. After a steady does of cheddar, colby, mozzerella, and what-not, trying something new was refreshing. If you go to stores around here, you'd think those were the only cheeses in the world. I do wish NorCo had a good cheese chop.

No matter how runny their cheese may or may not be.

I was going to post a snippet from the Monty Python skit, but it's so damn funny you can just go read it here.

Heh. Cheese is funny.

But is it funnier than bananas?


*Sorry. Too much Star Trek.

** A banana?!?

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