Monday, February 27

Supersonic Couch Potato

A few random notes, in no particular order:

-To whoever planned the closing ceremonies of the Olympics: Ricky Martin?

-To The Mouth: nice job.

-To the 'Tones: see above.

-To whoever made the questions at Trinty's trivia last weekend: Grape Nuts are really small and hard to see. Putting them in a bag with other, larger cereals and expecting us to see them is not a good idea. M*A*S*H was a fine show, yes, but an entire category about it? Not so hot. How am I supposed to know what MLB team hat was used as a stand-in for some fictional team? Finally: there has been music made since 1978*. Please try using some of it for your next trivia.

-To my sinuses: no more. Really.**

-To myself: try keeping that extra pair of glasses at your desk in the odd event you need them. Like, maybe you get to work and have to throw away one of your contacts because it's irritating the bejeezus out of you and you gotta throw it away. Only being able to see out of one eye is a bit of a pain.

-To Janice: it's pierce!!!

Get me off the ground, fly me upside down

*Well, I'm pretty sure of that.

** Unless you're doing something useful with it. Clogging me up doesn't count.

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