Wednesday, February 1

Hey Bartender

"tequila shots are dangerous...that's all I have to say about that"


I can't confess to being "in the know" on that one. I had to chicken out on the tequila shots, and, after taking a whiff of the stuff, I might be better off. Anything that smells like it could strip the paint off my walls is automatically banned from my innards. Safety measures, you know.

Or maybe I'm just a big weenie.

But! Janice, being much less of a weenie than I, downed the tequila, thus ensuring her of lots of chances to rub it in my face. So good for her. I imagine turning 21 on a Monday is kinda lame, especially when one has class the next morning, but I think it worked out pretty well, seeing as how Fast Eddie's was wonderfully unpacked, such as it was the last time I was there. And the food was good. And cheap. Yum. 'Twas my first experience as a designated driver (before we left, I said "hey, I'm a driver"), although, given my drinking habits, I'll be designated for life. Which is fine. And I'm totally off my original point of talking about Janice's birthday. These things happen when you're trying to post and work at the same time.

So, to Janice: out of all the people in this world (including, but not limited to Christian Bale) who could have been there for your 21st, I am truly honored that it was me. And remember that Tuesdays are double coupon days!

Happy days are here again: I have a CD player in my car again! Anyone who rides with me enough (Janice), knows I get about the radio. And music in general. And TV. And, well, anything else, I guess. Okay, so I'm kinda, sorta, a lot picky. But I think it's because I really get into anything I enjoy. Which was why radio gets so annoying. There's just so much musical nonsense out there that sifting through it or riding it out for something good gets very annoying after long enough (In my case, that probably lasts about 5 minutes, but anyways.). Now, there are a few good stations out there, and to them, I tip my hat. But a CD player? Mmm, now that's nice. I hate to use the phrase "what I want, when I want," as it sounds kinda snobbish, but you get the idea. It even adds about 27% extra coolness to the overall state of my car.

I've noticed recently how my cars have been getting more...well, they aren't what one would expect of a 20-something male person. First was the '87 Tercel, dubbed "The Elimiator" by me, because it was obviously not going to eliminate much of anything. Then came the '95 Saturn. Four-doors, sedan, etc. Dubbed "The Green Hornet" because it was green. I've since inherited grandma's '95 Chevy Lumina which is even more of a sedan than the saturn, if such a thing is possible. I'm certainly not complaining about having it. I mean, it was free, has 1/3 the miles of the Saturn, and has enough space for all my guitars. But, well, it's...a grandma car. Thankfully, grandma was pretty cool, so it doesn't matter much. And the addition of the aforementioned CD player helps. I do need a name for this car though, if anyone has a good idea.

Quick note to all aspiring sports GMs: trading your leading goal scorers is not a great way to endear yourself to much of anyone, much less prospective buyers of your team.

Quicker note: 2 weeks!

You may not have understood me, but I was speaking technology.

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