Sunday, February 12

Things to make and do.

So your girlfriends gone all weekend on a retreat? And you're bored out of your ever loving mind? Well, just do what I do and fill your night with fun, exciting projects. Iron your shirts! Clean the house! Take a shower! Shave!

I mean, I could have done something really exciting, I suppose, like...mop, or clean the bathroom, but I think I had more fun doing what I did.

I did, however, take time to go spend more than I usually would on a new outfit. Hell, I even tried everything on, which, as some people can attest to, is a major feat in and of itself.

Interesting side note: I started this post around 11:30 this morning, but didn't finish before I went to Mass. So I came home, but had a headache and more or less napped all afternoon before going to Janice's for dinner, and then to the store. So now I'm back to finish.

During the homily, the priest, who's certainly on in years, had to stop to blow his nose or something, and came back to the mic and said "never get old." It was funny, yes, but it's odd, seeing as how he seems to be a fairly lively old dude. So it doesn't seem all that bad. I suppose I'll have to wait until I'm old to find out any problems. And by then, it's too late. Then I can look back at this post and say "damn it, he was right." Assuming I can still see when I'm old. Whenever "old" officially starts. I suppose you're only as old as you let yourself feel, to some extent.

And that's a lot of thinking for a Sunday night.

Quick Olympic-related note: I love the luge. 90 miles an hour: whee!!!

What else, what else...

No, I can't seem to come up with anything else at the moment. So I'ma gonna stop and maybe try cracking one of these songs I've been meaning to record. They are stubborn little buggers.

Bad math proves a point!

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