Monday, February 20

Boy is it ever Monday.

And I'm at home. All HAIL the three-day weekend! Actually, my being off today has drawn more contempt in my direction than anything else I've ever done. And I didn't even ask for this!* Everyone from my mom to my girlfriend** has expressed their extreme displeasure with my not working today. I think they're just jealous. But, really, I should be jealous of them. I mean, they have a day of stuff planned out, whereas I have to sit around the house all day, not really doing anything, hoping some ray of light will show me the way to my next task. Or something like that.

Olympic-related note number 2: much to my pleasure, I got to watch some curling on Saturday night. Also, to my surprise, there were teams from the U.S. and Japan. For some reason, I figured it was a strictly European game. And, since I've done no research whatsoever on the sport, I still have no clue how scoring works or how the game developed in the first place. My current theory is that it was some physics professor's class experiement that caught on across a campus and soon an entire nation. Then, the world!

I've actually seen every sport I wanted to see now, which makes me happy. Curling, hockey, skeleton, luge, speed skating, and bobsled are much fun to watch.

But I do miss the Blues.

Still: Spring training!

One more sporty thing: ever notice how people play baseball, play basketball, and play volleyball, but we go bowling and fishing? The name is the action in that case. No one plays bowling. I wonder why that is.

I've been messing around with writing songs in something other than 4/4. My recorder will helpfully give me click tracks in variations of 2, 4, and 8 times. So far, I've messed around in 3/4, 5/4, 6/4, and 7/4. I think 3 and 6 are my favorites, but it's still a bit of a struggle to move from one idea to another so far. Once I get and idea down, I'm hesitant*** to move to a new progression, for fear of losing the beat. But I will prevail!

For anyone interested, go buy the new Flecktones album. Good stuff. Every time I start to get into the 'Tones, I get a hair up my butt to go buy a banjo. I'm actually really considering the idea with some merit this time, so we'll see how long that lasts. It'd certainly be something different. The more I think about it, the more exciting it sounds.

Did I mention spring training? The new Cowboy Mouth album?

Just so you don't forget.

living upstairs from the voodoo shoppe

* But far be it from me to complain.

** Actually, that's about it.

*** Alas, No Decemberween presents for me.

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