Wednesday, January 25

I'm a doctor, okay? I know science.

So here's the deal: if you're going to be spouting off scientific "facts" on your afternoon talk show, please be sure you have some idea of what you're talking about. Case in point: while flipping through stations yesterday (less than a week until CD player installation!), I happened across one Dave Glover, whose show airs on 97.1: Younger. Smarter. Better. Than what? A can of creamed corn? Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo? Ricki Lake reruns? Regardless, they had, I believe, some science-y guy on, and had people call in with various questions.I suspect they were talking about the effects people are having on the environment and what is happening to animals as a result. All fine and dandy, but then the esteemed Mr. Glover goes on about how the whale shark, which is the "largest animal on earth" has been betting smaller. Um, no. The blue whale, which has been known to grow to almost 100 ft. is the largest known animal on earth. The whale shark, while being the biggest fish usually tops out around 50 ft. or so, as far as I can remember. But I think lengths of 30-35 ft. are the norm. Then they start talking about Loch Ness, and what may or may not be living in it (remember; science!). The start talking about whether or not a lake that size could support any sort of large-type water critter. I remain open to the possibility that there might be something in the lake, but that's as may be. Our host starts talking about how if whatever the creature is is a plesiosaur, people would see it, because it has to come up for air (true) because....oh God, save's a mammal. No, A thousand times no. Plesiosaurs and the like (dinosaurs, etc.) were all reptiles. Dinosaur means, in Latin, "terrible lizard." I'm willing to bet that a large number of 6-year old boys could tell you that.

At that point, I had to change the station before I ripped my radio out. I'm sorry for this completely nerdified rant, but I had to get it off my chest. If Mr. Glover wants to talk science, fine, but he should make sure he "gets it" before going on any further.

Off-topic: does anyone out there enjoy doing Sudoku? For the life of me, I can't get a good method to complete it. But I will overcome it, for I am good and the Mads are evil!

Or, something like that.

It's nym! It's nym! It's pseudonym! Not pseudo-name! I can't take it any more! Nym nym nym! It's a Greek word for "name"! Pseudonym! Pseudonym!

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